2023.01.09 Brian Charette on Jimmy Smith

Jimmy Smith didn't invent the electric organ but, for several decades at least, you wouldn't know it.  The response to his Blue Note and Verve LPs in the [...]

2022.12.12 David Soldier on Miles Davis 1974

Mitch Goldman's Deep Focus this Monday (12/12/22) is on Miles Davis with guest David Soldier.  Soldier's punk chamber music, elephant orchestra (yes, the [...]

2022.11.28 Vernon Reid on Carlos Santana

In 1972, as Miles Davis was rewriting the genetic code of musical possibilities in NYC, Carlos Santana, his labelmate, was doing the exact same [...]

2022.10.31 Eric Person on Lester Bowie

"Lester Bowie": instead of thinking of that sound as a person's name, maybe we should start thinking of it as a verb.  Here's one definition: to [...]

2015.12.08 Don McKenzie on Last Exit

Rebroadcast October 24, 2022. This Monday night on Jazz Alternatives (6pm to 9pm), Mitch Goldman welcomes drummer Don McKenzie back to the studio for a [...]

2022.09.26 William Hooker on Pharaoh Sanders – Memorial Broadcast

No one will ever embody the concept of music as spiritual sustenance the way that Pharoah Sanders did.  William Hooker heard the call through the [...]

22.09.19 Gary Lucas on Abdullah Ibrahim

Every once in a while, an artist comes along who gets so caught up in the sweep of history that the world seems to create itself for the artist's work, rather [...]

2022.09.05 Graham Haynes on Bill Dixon

Even among his collaborators who were known for going their own way-- Cecil Taylor, Sun Ra and Archie Shepp, to name but a few-- trumpeter Bill Dixon was an [...]

2022.08.08 Ben Tyree on Pat Martino

Mitch Goldman's Deep Focus is back live on WKCR this Monday (8/8) for the first time since March 2020.  Guitarist/sonic architect [...]

2018.03.19 William Hooker on Sunny Murray

Sunny Murray changed our whole conception of what drums could do in music.   In this rebroadcast of Mitch Goldman's Deep Focus from 2018, fellow [...]