Deep Focus

2017.12.11 Richard Admiral on Herbie Hancock

Rebroadcast September 21, 2020. Does the name “Mwandishi” Mean anything to you? How about “Headhunters”? Herbie Hancock is one of our most respected [...]

2017.02.06 David Gilmore on George Benson

Rebroadcast September 14, 2020. This Monday night from 6pm to 9pm on WKCR 89.9FM and, I will host guitarist David Gilmore with a Deep Focus on George [...]

2013.05.20 JT Lewis on Don Pullen

We were talking about "The Total Package" as a bandleader: what does that really mean? It means choosing the right sidemen (perhaps ones whom others might [...]

2019.11.11 – Jack DeSalvo on Keith Jarrett

Rebroadcast August 24, 2020. There's a school of thought among some jazz musicians that you should learn all you can-- study, practice, master every scale [...]

2018.04.30 Ras Moshe on Dewey Redman

Rebroadcast August 3, 2020. We have gotten all excited about "Big Data" in recent years, this idea that knowledge can be gleaned from a large pool of info [...]

2011.01.17 Eric Person on Rahsaan Roland Kirk

Rebroadcast July 27, 2020. Saxophonist Eric Person and I have been listening to music together for over 3 decades. We both love a musician who is The Total [...]

2018.11.12 William Hooker on Milford Graves

Rebroadcast 2020.07.20. The lineage: you are required to know everything that has come before you but you are also required, when in the act of creation, to [...]

2014.09.08 Matthew Shipp on Jimmy Giuffre, Paul Bley & Steve Swallow

Rebroadcast June 29, 2020. Notes? There's only 12 of 'em!  How much can you do with that?  More to the point, is there a way to approach them that hasn't [...]

2019.07.22 – Vijay Iyer on Geri Allen

Rebroadcast June 22, 2020. Melville said, "Genius, all over the world, stands hand in hand, and one shock of recognition runs the whole circle round." So, [...]

2011.04.25 Vernon Reid on “Before It Had A Name”

Rebroadcast June 15, 2020 The moment after a new art form emerges, it becomes codified; original ideas quickly devolve to cliches; bold discoverers [...]