The streets of NYC are vibrantly alive with the spirits of the originators and the thrust and tumult of what they created. If, that is, you know how to [...]
For my guitar freeks, plectrists, six-string slingers and hammer-oners, you have to hear this episode of Deep Focus! For this one, recorded on the night of [...]
I have been thinking about my friend Greg Tate since he left this plane a little over a year ago. I haven’t posted anything specifically about him but [...]
Who knew that David Crosby was friends with Phil Collins? Unlikely as it may seem if you’re not a dedicated fan of either of them (which, even if I do own [...]
The first time I worked with Jeff Beck was at the Rainforest Benefit Concert at Carnegie Hall in 2002. Once again, I was the talent manager; this meant I [...]
Jimmy Smith didn't invent the electric organ but, for several decades at least, you wouldn't know it. The response to his Blue Note and Verve LPs in the [...]
Mitch Goldman's Deep Focus this Monday (12/12/22) is on Miles Davis with guest David Soldier. Soldier's punk chamber music, elephant orchestra (yes, the [...]
Rebroadcast October 24, 2022.
This Monday night on Jazz Alternatives (6pm to 9pm), Mitch Goldman welcomes drummer Don McKenzie back to the studio for a [...]