Author: Rosie

2011.01.17 Eric Person on Rahsaan Roland Kirk

Rebroadcast July 27, 2020. Saxophonist Eric Person and I have been listening to music together for over 3 decades. We both love a musician who is The Total [...]

2018.11.12 William Hooker on Milford Graves

Rebroadcast 2020.07.20. The lineage: you are required to know everything that has come before you but you are also required, when in the act of creation, to [...]

2020.01.06 – Nora McCarthy on Jimmy Scott

Rebroadcast July 6, 2020. There aren't many of them, those voices that can just reach down inside of you.  If you heard Jimmy Scott sing, you knew that [...]

2019.07.22 – Vijay Iyer on Geri Allen

Rebroadcast June 22, 2020. Melville said, "Genius, all over the world, stands hand in hand, and one shock of recognition runs the whole circle round." So, [...]

2011.04.25 Vernon Reid on “Before It Had A Name”

Rebroadcast June 15, 2020 The moment after a new art form emerges, it becomes codified; original ideas quickly devolve to cliches; bold discoverers [...]

2013.11.13 Roy Campbell on Woody Shaw

Rebroadcast September 27, 2021. Wanna talk trumpet? Roy Campbell spills the beans in this one. The inside stories on Woody Shaw I expected, but Lee [...]

2020.02.03- Steven Bernstein on Don Cherry

Rebroadcast 2020.05.18. Hey, Bernstein, who was Don Cherry to you? Was he a "hero"? Was he a "role model"?  What happened when you met [...]

Jerry Stiller

In memoriam Jerry Stiller: Time: July 1988. Place: backstage at the Delacorte Theater, Central Park, NYC, on line for catering. Me: "I just have to [...]

Little Richard

Michael of Washington, DC writes in to say, “Waiting for stories about Little Richard…” Well, yeah, I have one or two. I spent the whole summer of [...]

2019.09.02 – Eric Person on Ronald Shannon Jackson

Rebroadcast May 4, 2020. Composer/bandleader Eric Person learned his craft from some of boldest who ever played the game.  Dave Holland was an [...]